יום שלישי, 25 באוקטובר 2011

Video: Blake Griffin can?t seem to stop dunking over cars

As I've noted more and more often over the last few weeks, we don't generally enjoy plugging the works of companies and the athletes that endorse them here at BDL, but we're making an exception for today's Yahoo! Sports Minute for a number of reasons.

First, the Minute; featuring Blake Griffin a mid-priced car, and a very large ramp:

Our demographic tends to skew younger, those of whom who might be in the market for their first new car, and the Kia Optima (which was once a terrible place to be), isn't exactly a bad place to be these days. Its interior is much improved, no chintzy stuff here, and they even have a 274-horsepower turbo version that uses only two liters of displacement out of its four cylinder engine. Earlier this year, Kia even hired 3,000 more workers at its West Point, Georgia plant, just to build the Optima.

No, the car company has not thrown me a shekel for this semi-endorsement. I've just had a chance to catch up on all my car magazines during the lockout.

Then there's Blake Griffin. We miss his touch. We miss his hops. We miss his preseason games, and we'll miss the first two weeks of his season. We miss his ha-has, and we miss his dunks. Oh, do we miss those dunks.

Then there's the fact that the commercial reminds us of this 16-year old Michael Jordan ad, which a friend of ours worked on the production team on:

(Also, the YSM goes on to point out that the sainted St. Louis Cardinals took a 1-0 lead in the 2011 World Series. That's of importance to some of us.)

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/Video-Blake-Griffin-can-t-seem-to-stop-dunking-?urn=nba-wp9570

Larry Bird Magic Johnson Dr Jay Dennis Rodman

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